Fashion and Identity

So many people in my life don’t understand why I love fashion so much. Why does it consume my everyday life, and why do I let it affect my mood and outlook for the day?
I would say I’m a fairly creative person. I love showing off who I am, and how I feel by what I wear and how I style myself. But when people ask, ‘What’s your style?’ I don’t have a true answer. I wear what I feel when I feel, to portray the me that I want to express that day.
I hate the thought of my identity being caught up in the style of clothing, and being put into a box. Although I guess you could say I am quite a girly-girl in how I dress most days. And I do love getting dressed up (I’m normally the one over-dressed for an occasion). But there are days when I want to wear my converse, look super casual, and dress like no-one’s watching. I am who I choose to be that morning.
Why let the world tell us what “normal” is?
My identity isn’t wrapped up in my clothing, but it helps express that part of me that I want to show to world for the day. And sometimes when I’m having a bad day, I show that off too. I only ever want to be authentic and show off the true me. I mean, I was created this way, so I should want to show it off. Why let the world tell us what “normal” is? Normal is only how you perceive normal to be. But at the same time, our style is like the cover to a book. If your style is showing off something completely different to who we are and what our identity is, then I guess we can’t get upset with people if they put us into a box the first time they meet us.
So how do you see your true identity? How do you reflect that in how you dress, your style, your makeup? For me, its embracing who I am, flaws and all to be … well, me! To learn your true identity is to love all of you. You were created for a reason, for a purpose. Find out what that is, and don’t stop until you do. Find out what you are passionate about, strive toward your dream job! Because you never know, you might get it! And do it all wearing the best outfit you have. Let your inner identity shine through your style identity. And do it all with confidence, and integrity for yourself and those around you.
Be the true you. And if you don’t know who you are, then start searching. You may surprise yourself on what you find.